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Player Code of Conduct

Player Code of Conduct 

  • I will not have unrealistic expectations. I will remember that we are not professionals and cannot be judged by professional standards. 

  • I will respect the official’s decisions and communicate with them in an appropriate manner and I will encourage my team mates to do the same. 

  • I will encourage my teammates to play by the rules and resolve conflicts without hostility or violence. 

  • I will exhibit good sportsmanship. 

  • I will never ridicule or yell at my teammates, opponents, coaches or officials for making a mistake. 

  • I will never question the official’s judgment or honesty in public. 

  • I will be knowledgeable of the rules and regulations. 

  • I will respect the rights of other players, coaches, fans & officials. 

  • I will be responsible for my behaviour. 

  • I will respect all the facilities and equipment used in the sport.

  • I will play by the rules of the game.

  • I will encourage and respect all my teammates and help them and the team to succeed.

  • I will be fair and positive in my interactions with opponents; without them, there is no game.

  • I will treat my Coach(es) with respect. Work with them for the betterment of the team.

  • I will accept coaching decisions as part of the game; speak respectfully, openly and honestly in private with your Coach(es) should a disagreement arise.

  • I will demonstrate commitment to the team by attending all practices and games, providing notice if necessary to miss one, and working hard and cooperatively at all team events.

  • I will avoid the use of profanity, violent behaviour, bullying, unsportsmanlike conduct and abuse of any kind towards other athletes, coaches or officials.

  • I will maintain an environment that is free from drugs (including cannabis), tobacco and alcohol. Refrain from their use or being under the influence of these substances at all BMSA games and practices.

  • I will be generous when I win and gracious when I lose.

  • I will, most importantly, have fun!


If any parent and/or player fails to abide by these rules and guidelines, they will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to, the following:

Verbal warning by umpire, head coach, and/or BMSA board member.

Written warning from coach, Convenor, and/or BMSA board member.

Parent or athlete suspension ranges from one game up to the remainder of the season, with written documentation of the incident kept on file by the organization(s) involved.